What you must know about wholesale electric bikes in China

As the public’s growing interest in cheaper, greener forms of transportation has led to the increasing popularity of e-bikes with the general public, e-bikes are turning into a lucrative business with more and more suppliers seeking the right e-bike manufacturers.

What you must know about wholesale electric bikes in China

As the public’s growing interest in cheaper, greener forms of transportation has led to the increasing popularity of e-bikes with the general public, e-bikes are turning into a lucrative business with more and more suppliers seeking the right e-bike manufacturers. However, before you decide to dive in head first, let us give you a fair hint that finding a suitable e-bike manufacturer can be a tricky business. Why is this the case? Because China is the world’s leading producer of e-bikes, and there are a few things you have to consider if you want to enter this growing market, but lack of experience, language barriers and different manufacturing standards can make it difficult for newbies to get to the right manufacturer. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the basics of wholesaling e-bikes in China. We will cover topics such as production and exports, regulations and consumer trends. By the end of this article, you will have a good understanding of the Chinese e-bike market.

  1. China is the world’s leading producer of electric bikes

China’s electric bike market is growing rapidly, with sales increasing by 20% every year. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing popularity of cycling, the rising cost of car ownership, and improved battery technology.

With an estimated production of over 24 million electric bikes in 2017, China is the undisputed leader in this market. In fact, 99% of all electric bikes sold in the world are made in China. This dominance is due to a number of factors, including a large domestic market, low labor costs, and favorable government policies.

As the market continues to grow, there is an increasing demand for high-quality products. This presents a great opportunity for foreign companies who can offer competitive prices and superior quality. If you want to get into the electric bike business, China is the place to be. There are countless manufacturers and suppliers to choose from, and you can find good quality products at very reasonable prices.

However, doing business in China can be a challenge for foreign companies. The language barrier and cultural differences can make it difficult to communicate and negotiate effectively. Additionally, there are a number of regulations that you need to be aware of. But don’t let these challenges deter you—with careful planning and a good partner, doing business in China can be very rewarding. Next we’ll introduce you to a few factors you need to consider when looking for an electric bike supplier.

  1. 6 Things you must know about wholesale electric bikes in China


Price is the first consideration for the average wholesaler, and you can consult different manufacturers to get the best quote. But it’s not just about getting quotes, you need to know about the different aids and specifications, high quality accessories, and more functionality of the e-bike, all of which can lead to higher quotes. Therefore, you must know your market before you get a quote again. What do users want? What are the market trends where you do business? You need to do your research before you can outline the type of bike you are looking for, the specifications, etc. and help you better weigh the price of the product.

In addition, you can also choose to customize your e-bike. Once you choose to customize, you need to consider that the manufacturer may charge extra for the tooling, so you need to do your research well so that you can better evaluate the offers from various vendors in the China e-bike manufacturer market.


Cheaper prices are a big reason why many wholesalers look for Chinese e-bike manufacturers. Every company wants to minimize their costs and make the most profit. After all, as a business you also need to pay for shipping, customs clearance and other expenses. You have to believe that price and quality must be directly proportional to each other. If an e-bike manufacturer offers too low a price, then to a large extent he will compromise on quality.

Some manufacturers will agree to buy a sample bike before you agree to buy in bulk. This is a good option, you can use this e-bike to assess the quality of the product and thus feel confident to place a bulk order, and if there are any problems, you can communicate in time to avoid the same problems with the bulk shipment. To get to know the manufacturer better, you can ask him to provide verified documentary proof of quality and also conduct a background check on the manufacturer’s past transactions as a way to help you choose a better quality e-bike.

Assessing quality control in the pre-production, production and post-production phases of e-bike manufacturing is also a good approach. You can find a trusted Chinese person to do this work or you can ask the manufacturer to video or provide you with a filmed video during the process to avoid losing any information during the production process and to help you ensure the quality of the product.


Because these bikes are electric, they are required to meet a number of safety and regulatory standards before authorities will allow them to be used on the road. In addition, the wholesale market for electric bicycles in China attracts wholesalers from all over the world. As a result, they produce electric bicycles that follow the regulatory requirements of each country. This is because it makes sense to assess the relevant legal policies in writing to the e-bike manufacturers.

We will present you with some broad specifications, so you will need to discuss and review them with the e-bike manufacturer before completing the transaction.


Electric bicycles usually use lithium batteries. The quality of these batteries varies in terms of capacity, life and weight. Generally, you manufacturers are sourcing batteries from established brand name companies and you can provide the specified model, battery type and brand, and proof of regulatory compliance to obtain licensing requirements for your goods.


Choose a charger that meets the applicable electrical safety standards for your country. Maintain records related to compliance, such as test results and certificates of compliance for the exact charger model you purchased.


The motor is one of the most important specifications of an electric bike, and in addition to the type and quality of the motor, you may also want to know its power. Regulations related to e-bikes apply to the power of their motors, and each country has different standards. Here is a list of motor power requirements for different countries for what is allowed.
















The above points are the specifications that you need to pay special attention to, for more details you need to check the laws and regulations of your country and to follow it.


Tariffs are a factor in your total cost of ownership and affect the final pricing of your product. It can cause your original costs to skyrocket and may even generate losses if not actively considered in advance. The EU imposed countervailing and anti-dumping import duties on Chinese electric bicycles. The U.S. has engaged in a trade war with China, hurting companies and manufacturers that work with the Chinese wholesale e-bike market. But e-bike manufacturers have been struggling to cope with these tariffs. Some companies have cooperated with the European Commission in dumping investigations to obtain lower tariffs. And other companies will sell pedals separately as spare parts because bikes without pedals are electric scooters, which are exempt from heavy import tariffs. Some front-running manufacturers, such as Green Pedel, maintain overseas warehouses and use them for shipping to avoid heavy tax policies and other restrictions.

-Overseas Warehouses

When exploring the wholesale e-bike market in China, you will come across some e-bike manufacturers with warehouses overseas. Green Pedel is one such e-bike manufacturer with warehouses in the US, Europe and other countries. This is a great opportunity for western buyers interested in the Chinese e-bike market. Because these warehouses are going to store an inventory of e-bikes that meet local standards, so that you need to import them much easier than importing them from China. The overseas warehouse setup gives you shorter shipping distances, less tariffs, and easier customs clearance.

-Labeling and Documentation

Various countries require proper labeling of products that are imported for sale. This is, of course, one of the things you need to consider when dealing with Chinese e-bike manufacturers. Some of the labels stamped on e-bikes are: country of origin, CE, WEEE, CCC and destination specific labels. Therefore, you should communicate these requirements to the e-bike manufacturer in China.

The above factors are the list we made for you after investigation, as a wholesaler you can use it as a basis to make an expansion to understand the Chinese electric bike market.

  1. Production and export

When it comes to electric bikes, China is both the world’s leading producer and exporter. IThe vast majority of electric bikes sold in the United States are made in China. In fact, over 80% of all electric bikes sold in the US market are imported from China.

Most of the electric bikes sold in China are produced domestically. However, there are a number of foreign companies that have set up manufacturing operations in China, taking advantage of the low labor costs and favorable government policies.

In recent years, China has become a major exporter of electric bikes. These products are popular all over the world, and Chinese manufacturers are well-positioned to take advantage of this growing market. As the global market for electric bikes continues to grow, China is poised to take advantage of this trend. With a large domestic market and a well-established manufacturing base, China is in a unique position to dominate the electric bike market for years to come.

If you are thinking of entering the electric bike business, it is important to understand the Chinese manufacturing landscape. There are a number of different types of manufacturers, ranging from small family-run businesses to large state-owned enterprises. There is also a wide range of quality levels, so it is important to do your research and find a reputable supplier.

  1. Regulations

It is important to note that the Chinese market is highly regulated. This is due in part to the large number of electric bike manufacturers operating in the country. The Chinese government has put in place a number of regulations designed to protect consumers and ensure the safety of products.

Some of the most important regulations include those relating to product quality, labeling, and testing. All electric bikes sold in China must meet certain standards for quality and safety. Additionally, all products must be clearly labeled with information such as the manufacturer, model, and voltage.

For any company looking to work with a Chinese e-bike manufacturer, it is critical to understand the regulatory landscape. By working with a guaranteed partner, you can ensure that your e-bike complies with all applicable regulations and standards, which will give your product a significant advantage in the marketplace.

         In summary

We have shared some of the most valuable considerations for those interested in the wholesale electric bike market in China. These include information on pricing, specifications, quality, tariffs, and regulatory requirements, information that we believe is revealing to the vast majority of e-bike wholesalers. Like any other business, obtaining an e-bike wholesale will involve a great deal of market research, comparison of technical advantages, and the best price point. Overall, Chinese e-bikes offer an affordable option, but it is still important to consider other factors such as import duties and logistics costs to ensure that your risk is manageable and profitable. It is advisable to evaluate manufacturers based on measures such as quality control and quality assurance, which can save you time, money and a lot of hassle.

We hope our article has been of some help to you, and if there’s anything you’d like to know, feel free to contact us!

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