Riding e-bike in winter

How do I use and store my e-bike in winter?

As winter approaches you may be wondering how you should use and store your e-bike, and if your daily activity lies in getting out for your daily cycling exercise then you may be worried about the onset of winter.
Some e-bike enthusiasts wonder if they will be able to get out and ride in the cold winter months, while others worry about how they should store their e-bikes when winter arrives, if this is one of your situations then you have come to the right place.

How do I store my e-bike in winter?

Storage of an e-bike both means you will be storing it for a long period of time, not just 3-4 days as you might normally assume, and winter also brings with it the threat of extreme conditions, long periods of rain and snow and extremely low temperatures, so there are several angles to consider when thinking about storing your e-bike in winter.

    Cleaning prior to storage

    Your e-bike needs regular maintenance and cleaning just like your car. Green Pedel e-bikes are somewhat waterproof, which means you can use a bucket and sponge to wipe down your e-bike, but it’s worth stating that you should avoid using pressurised water to clean your e-bike.
    In addition you should know that the parts of your e-bike that are most likely to corrode are: the chain, frame, gears and gear discs. When cleaning these parts you will need bike lubricant and oil in addition to water and a rag, you will need to use lubricant on your e-bike chain and this will prevent it from corroding. And after cleaning the axle and chain with water you need to wipe them clean and then apply a little e-bike lubricant.
    If you can figure out how to disassemble your e-bike, then we recommend that you clean each part separately for a more thorough cleaning.

    How do you store your e-bike battery?

    Storing your e-bike battery First you need to determine the type of battery you have for your e-bike, not all e-bikes are the same battery. In recent years, the most common batteries used in two-wheeled e-bikes are made of lithium or lead. Both types of battery have their own requirements for storage, so the way you store your battery will depend heavily on its type.
    For lithium batteries, this type of pool needs to be charged every 6 months and stored in a cool, dry place. Lithium batteries can be a fire hazard, but if they are used and stored correctly then the risk is minimal. Lead batteries lead-acid batteries, on the other hand, must be charged at least every three months and require more frequent maintenance than lithium batteries. It should likewise be stored in a cool and dry place. In addition to this, your battery should be stored at a charge level of 75-80% and the charge level should be checked once a month to ensure that the percentage does not fall below 75%. This will help to extend the life of your battery.
    It is also worth emphasising that the best way to store e-bike accessories, such as batteries, is to remove them from the e-bike. Batteries are the heart of an e-bike and, like the human heart, they are the most sensitive part of the whole and over time all batteries lose capacity, i.e. they lose the amount of charge they can hold, so taking proper Proper care of the battery protects its charging capacity, so we maintain the battery to maximise its life. If batteries are stored in an e-bike without being removed, the battery contacts may corrode due to condensation build-up caused by temperature changes. So not only should you remove the battery from the e-bike, but we also recommend that you use a little grease to prevent the contacts from corroding.

    How do you store your e-bike?

    The electrical equipment and components of electric bicycles are sensitive to temperature extremes, so it’s time for you to choose the ideal place for your e-bike.

    • Storing your e-bike in a garage

    An e-bike should be stored in a cool, dry space, so a garage is one of the best options, however the conditions in your garage will also affect your e-bike. If your garage is prone to debris and dust, then you can use a waterproof cover for protection. Also if your garage is spacious enough you can put your e-bike on a floor rack, but if your garage doesn’t have enough space you can also choose to hang your e-bike, you can use a pulley to hang your e-bike from the ceiling.

    • Storing your e-bike in your flat

    If you live in a flat then storing your e-bike may be a bit of a hassle, but it’s not impossible. As the flat may not be that spacious, it is vital that you consider the size of your flat and the weight of your e-bike. If you have more space then you can place your e-bike upright in your flat and it will not be a problem for anyone.

    • Storing your e-bike on the balcony

    Whether you live in a villa or a flat, storing your e-bike on your balcony is a good idea. But you’ll want to make sure you cover your e-bike with a waterproof cover to ensure it won’t be affected by the cold winter weather.

    • Storing your e-bike in a shed

    This is not an option for everyone, as not everyone has a carport at home. If you happen to have one, then you can store your e-bike there, again requiring you to cover the e-bike with a waterproof cover.

    After winter storage

    Why store your e-bike? The main purpose is to make it ready to ride when the new season arrives. The best way to do this is to wait for winter to pass to take your e-bike to your local bike shop for a tune-up. They will check that your brakes and gear cables are tight, and will also check the brake pads, chain lube, shifting and other items so that you have a safe and perfectly functioning e-bike when you get back in the saddle.
    After the tune-up, take your e-bike out for a short test ride to make sure everything is functioning properly, check the brakes and gears to make sure everything is as you want it to be, and if you find any problems, head back to the bike shop and they will be happy to help you fix them.

    Using ebike in winter
    Using Electric Bicycle in Winter

    How to use your e-bike in winter?

    As mentioned earlier, the Green Pedel e-bike is water resistant, which means it’s OK to ride in the rain or in puddles. So if you want to continue using your e-bike in the winter then you can continue to do so.
    You may not use your e-bike for commuting in the cold winter months, but maybe on a nice weekend you want to get out for a ride, where you can totally wake your e-bike up from its slumber. As long as you’ve charged your e-bike battery and have no problems after a test ride on your spacious road, then you can go ahead and ride!
    But there are still a few things to consider when riding in winter.

    Braking is different

    The heavier the object, the faster it will travel and the longer it will take to come to a stop, or the greater the friction, which is the law of physics. E-bikes tend to be heavier and form faster than normal bikes, so naturally they take longer to stop, which means you need to brake faster, especially in slippery conditions.
    In winter, if there is water or snow on the road then this will further reduce friction and therefore increase your stopping distance, which means you need to react quicker then
    When there is water on the road this further reduces friction and therefore increases your stopping distance, which means you need to brake faster in the rain or when there is water on the road.

    Keep an eye on the temperature

    E-bikes can be ridden below freezing, even down to 0 degrees, but this is not ideal. Because electronic devices are sensitive, even though they can be run to this temperature, it doesn’t mean it’s OK to do so.
    Electronics below 32 degrees F cannot run at their optimum level and once you will steal 2 degrees F or lower, the battery will quickly lose its charge causing a drop in mileage and if the e-bike gets too cold you could cause the battery unit to not work and damage your battery straight away, then you will need to buy a replacement.

    Increase visibility with a headlamp

    The days are much shorter in winter and it is obviously not safe to ride in the dark. To enable you to see the road ahead and for safety reasons, make sure your e-bike has front and rear lights, a front light so that you can see the road ahead and a rear light so that you can be seen by vehicles or people behind you.

    Keep your vision with reflectors

    You can put reflectors on your clothes or car. Reflectors are used to reflect the lights of other vehicles and let them know you are there, but they are not a substitute for headlights, they just serve as a way for people to notice you. You can also fit reflectors between the spokes of your wheels, which can be a good reminder especially when crossing minor roads.

    Protecting and shielding yourself

    • Wear a helmet

    Obviously, you need to wear a helmet. It goes without saying that a helmet is useful and you should always ride with one. Especially if conditions start to deteriorate and the light starts to fade.

    • Knee and elbow pads

    Some riders wear knee pads all year round, others choose to use them in winter and when they encounter tricky conditions. Water can make the roads slippery and ice can be a big hazard in winter. As many drivers know, blackness and ice are one of the biggest dangers on the road and it is essential to protect your joints with a set of knee and elbow pads.

    • Check your tyres

    Your e-bike wants to be at its best in rough conditions. It is important that your tyres are in top condition. The tread on your e-bike tyres will wear out, just like the tyres on your car. That’s why you need to check your tyres regularly throughout the year, especially during the winter months.

    In summary

    Storing and looking after your e-bike properly is a common sense practice that every cyclist should know. If you can do this, then you will get pleasure from your investment for years to come! Don’t be afraid to take your e-bike out of storage for a nice weekend and then put it back in again, just follow the tips above every time you store your e-bike and you will be well on your way to maintaining it.
    Now you know how to properly store and use your e-bike during the winter months, so you shouldn’t have any worries when you take it out again once winter is over.

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